Drastic improvement of B/A drawings in just three days by Matthew Kerr in January workshop 2009
This workshop experience will definitely change your life, and it will be the best thing you can ever do for yourself. So please don't procrastinate, SIGN UP NOW!
"Mike gives everyone the tools they need to draw better and the confidence they need to get back to work and have more fun - and most importantly - sell more designs and installations. His "be loose" philosophy is perfect for uptight designers who think they need to be artists to be successful. There is no doubt why Mike is one of the most sought after instructors in the country." Warren A. Quinn, Esq. Director of Operations, American Nursery & Landscape Association, Washington, DC
"Mike Lin is internationally renowned as one of the best graphics lecturers in the world." Duncan Heather, MSGD, APLD. Landscape & Garden Design, Kinwood Common, England
"Two thumbs up!! Unforgettable!! Mike Lin is the best of the best of the best instructors in my whole life so far. No one teaches like him. I think the two-week workshop in Manhattan, KS would be once-in-a-lifetime experience. Thank you Mike. I think the workshop isn't just about drawing. It's about how to see the world differently. I now have different attitude of my life. If anyone in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Interior Design has heard about Mike Lin before and would like to take his workshop, I'm telling you, YOU WON'T REGRET THIS!!!" Jay Je-Woo Lee, ASAI, Dept. of Interior Architecture, Kansas State University
"Thank you so much for the workshop. I learned more in those two weeks than I did in my two studios and graphics class, combined." Rhonda Fields, Fort Worth, TX
"This is my second time attending the workshop and is one of the most important phase in my life. I call it a transition point, plus I am very happy that my graphic skills improved immensely from the last one. Mike, you inspired me so much just like you have done to others. All the lessons and everything that you said to me is recorded in my journal and will stay in my heart forever. I owe you my life, Mike. Thank you very much for the rich experience." Jean Kim, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University
"The workshop honestly did as much for my spirit as it did for my confidence in drawing. Before coming to Kansas I wasn't sure about anything much less my drawing skill. Your charismatic personality and outlook on life was a refreshing reminder that each day is a gift and it is up to us what we do with that gift. My drawings have improved and with hard work I know I can be one of the best in my field! More importantly I know I have a regained confidence in myself and in life that I had been without for sometime. You are not only a great teacher academically, you are a great teacher of life and positive attitude I will definitely send people your way, and I will be back." Ross Moreland, Grandma's Gardens, Vandalia, OH
"Mike Lin's architectural drawing workshop is a powerful learning experience. Not only is he an expert in all drawing techniques, but he is also a skillful teacher. In a high tech integrated learning studio, he presents a methodology that can take a beginner to an advanced level as well as a skillful artist to new levels." Martin Mosko, Principal, Marpa Design Studio, Boulder, Colorado
"Hey Mike, I just got home after a 12 hour trip, completely exhausted, but never happier. It is funny to think about before the trip, all the jobs I have worked and how scared I was to travel by myself for the first time. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like when I got to your workshop. But now I feel I have the confidence to do anything in this world. Thank you for this new found confidence. You left me feeling powerful, not helpless. I know now how to handle myself in any situations, this is so huge for me. Not only that, but our group became so close to each other. We have already begun planning trips all over the world together, and its almost painful to be apart from them. I truly believe that you have left a legacy to continue on in each one of us, a legacy that we can share with others as well. Frank Lloyd Wright may have been a Genius and created wonderful buildings, but you Mike have created great and wonderful people. Once again, Thank-you for everything". Tzara She-tel Prevost, Sheridan College, Meaford, Ontario, Canada
"I just want to say a Big Thanks to you and your team. What a drawing class!! Something I will never forget for the rest of my life!" Alex Chen, Principal - Food Service, Ricca Newmark Design (Asia), Shanghai, China
"I now truly believe that everything is possible. My whole life has changed after taking this wonderful two weeks workshop in Kansas. I have improved my drawing and illustration skills tremendously. Mike changed the wrong conclusion that was once made by my freshman graphics instructor; She told me I should quit architecture just because I wasn’t as good illustrator as the rest of my colleagues. I wish I can meet up with her now and show her that everything is possible if you work hard and have a positive attitude. THANX A BUNCH! MIKE. Mike taught me not only how to draw but also the values of life." Yohannes Abebe, AIAS, ASAI, DMAA, University of Colorado at Boulder, CO
"Thank You Mike! If only I hadn't bothered with any hesitation in deciding to attend your workshop or not. Wow, I learned more than I expected and was surprisingly excited to roll out sketch paper and uncap my markers the day after my return home. I have been drawing and rendering at work and even want to continue when the office lights are off and the doors are locked. I thoroughly enjoyed your teaching methods, the drawing skills you taught us, the business tips, and the great life anecdotes. I have much more to learn through practice and experience, but that will be less painful after having attended your workshop. Thank you for offering such a wonderful experience."
Misty Kreissler, Myers Anderson Assoc. Boise, ID
"I had a great time! If only my 5 years of undergrad could have been that worthwhile. I learned so much about drawing, attitude, and myself. I've been home less than a week and I am already finding ways to correct my 'mental blocks' - and there were more than I'd like to admit. My office has noticed a huge improvement in my work. More importantly, I want to say thank you for offering the workshop and giving me the opportunity to learn everything you imparted on us. Thank you again for 2 of the greatest weeks of my life!" Randi Friesema, ASLA, Cording Landscape Design, Inc.
Ramsey, New Jersey
"Mike, I never really told you, but I feel that it was your workshop that gave me the confidence to go out and get jobs. After graduation I was very unsure of my abilities and what I would do with my future. After taking your workshop. I have more confidence myself now. I remember your teachings pretty much every day and I pass along your wisdom to others whenever the opportunity arises. I just want to thank you for what you do and for your passion for teaching and making a difference in peoples lives. Thanks. " Marc Harper, landscape architect, Augusta, CA
"I just want to express to you my appreciation for the wonderful experience in your workshop. I learned so much more than I ever expected, and I feel I now have such an abundance of tools to work with to improve my skills thanks to you. Mike, you truly are an incredible teacher. You have the ability to change lives in such a positive way. Your lessons on attitude and the power that can come from a positive attitude are invaluable. Learning how attitude can influence our success in drawing as well as in any aspect of life we pursue was as valuable a lesson as any skills I learned during that 12-day period. Thank you for being so willing to share your years of experience and hard work to help others succeed. It is obvious that you teach because you care about people and want the very best of all that you come in contact with. I will highly recommend your workshops to anyone who has a desire to improve skills, attitude and/or life." Linda Rose, Landscaper Designer, San Diego, CA
" The workshop has been an eye opening experience for me. Not only do I now have the tools and tricks under my belt but I also have the confidence to use them. From the bottom of my heart I sincerely appreciate everything you have done for our group, and there is no doubt in my mind you gave us your damn best, and nobody could have done it better. I entered the workshop hoping to learn how to draw, not only did I learn but have a new found confidence that means much more, and even if I mistakenly draw a line or add a color that wasn't intended, now I know how to say “I like It”." Paul Martinez, Univ. of Southern Florida, Tampa, FL
"I want to thank you for teaching me all the tricks to life and drawing. These past few days I was taught more graphic and rendering techniques than I have been shown the past two years at our university. Your workshop is a great way to change people's attitudes towards drawing and life and I will encourage the rest of my classmates to attend in the near future. Thank you for your
presence and sense of humor and I will make sure to keep in touch." Ryan Jacobson, Libertyville, IL
"I want to thank you for a great learning and sharing opportunity with you and the class. You are indeed a very inspiring and effective teacher that engages the student in both cerebral and hands on learning." Kaizad Irani, professor, Parkland College, Champaign, IL
"Without a doubt, the best course I've taken. Although the rigorous schedule seems daunting at first, Mike's creative teaching style keeps it fun, positive and exciting for everyone. It is amazing how much of a difference is made to everyone's abilities in the first few days, let alone the entire workshop. Keep it loose, and you'll have the time of your life." T.J. Maguire, Halifax, NS Canada.
"Thanks for the best two weeks of my life! It has truly changed my life forever. I had not only learned all your tricks but I learned so much about myself as an individual. There is no way you can put a cost of value on this workshop that would be a big enough thank-you for the way you changed each and every one of us. You have become such an inspiration in my life and I now know how damn good I am. The lessons I learned from you are ones that I will carry with me forever and no one can take them away from me. Thanks again for all you have done for me hopefully I can continue to re-pay you!" Natasha Pidkowa, Lakeland College, Alberta, Canada
"Mike, thank you for bringing me the confidence I needed to surface my inner talents of drawing in just two short weeks. What amazes me most about your workshop is its ability to improve the lives of such a wide range of people. While one can leave your workshop with strong graphics skills, they also leave with a new found confident way to live life to the fullest. Your teachings will allow me to open the world to the people who see my drawings as I apply them to my profession." Julie Gavin, ASLA, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Raleigh, NC
"Hi Mike, our studio class starts this week and I am excited to jump right in and get to work and I've never felt this way before! I can honestly say that I had the best time learning how to draw in your workshop. I've always put off drawing because I was never good at it but finally decided it was time to do something about it. Our program doesn't have anything like it and even if it did, I wouldn't be able to get the Linisms that make the workshop so enjoyable. Thank you so much for what you've taught me in drawing and in life, I truly appreciate it." Laura Widholm, Univ. of Illinois
"I think that the workshop was very successful, learning how to easily do perspective alone was worth the money. It was also nice to meet other people in design professions from across the country, I have made some friendships that I am sure I will keep for many years to come." Nick Lowe, VPI, VA
"I really learned so much from you. It has been a huge goal of mine to attend this workshop since I was a student, and being there was an amazing experience. I’m still at a loss for words when I try and explain my gratitude and describe the workshop and what I learned during my time with you. Thank you for the gift of this experience, you have such a wealth of knowledge and an ability to teach others. Warmest regards." Kylie S. Mason, Landscape Architect, Sebago Technics, Westbrook, Maine
"The whole design studio pods worked so well. You created a setting where everyone could learn and feel a part of the group. It is amazing, completely fills me with awe. Thank you for you guidance, caring and sincerity to each of us as a person." Mollie Gieseman, Swan Point, MD
"It was a pleasure spending two weeks in Kansas learning all of your tricks...drawing tricks, tricks to succeed in life, and not to forget, your magic tricks. It is really quite amazing to compare the pre-test with the post-test at the end of the workshop after you taught us the 50 principles of loose graphics and design approaches. I also really enjoyed your positive attitude throughout the course of the workshop. Thank you again for a great experience." Alexandra Perove, ASLA, GreenWorks, PC, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design, Portland, Oregon
"Mike, I can't begin to thank you enough for the knowledge and wisdom you shared with us. Never in my life have I missed so much sleep and loved every bit of it. I never wanted to leave. I signed up for the workshop hoping to leave with more confidence and a better understanding of how to draw. Not only did you teach me that but you taught me how to live a better life. You have truly changed my life in a way that only someone who has taken your workshop would understand. If there is anything that I can say to people who are considering your workshop it's 'TAKE IT! The time and money is nothing compared to what the Master Mike Lin will teach you. I'm serious. He WILL change your LIFE! Something that you truly can't put a price on.' I only wish that I had taken your workshop earlier. Thank you again". Joey Wallace, University of Georgia
I originally attended Mike’s course in 1978 as an undergrad L.A. student at Kansas State. I recently re-visited the workshop, after 24 years of professional practice. I found the workshop very refreshing, and just as I had changed and evolved over the past 20 years, so had Mike’s workshop. The enthusiasm and philosophy that Mike interjects into the workshop keeps it interesting and current. Mike has his own teaching style, and it is a vital component to the success of the workshop, keeping it loose and fun. The workshop requires hard work, but that is the way we learn best. I fully recommend the class to anyone who is interested in bettering their ability and attitude, but also, to anyone who wants to have the tools to be successful. Professionally, you must put yourself in a position to be successful. This class is the first step. Or in my case, a wonderful refresher course bringing some new life into my work. I’ll re-visit the class again in another 20 years. With kindest personal regards, I remain." Richard Clayton Barrett, ASLA, President, National Landscape Association
"Mike, I would like to tell you that the things I learned at your workshop have become essential to everything I do at school. I am interviewing with a few firms in Miami, and everyone is really impressed with the renderings I produced at the workshop. Thank you for being such a great teacher and helping me become the best in my family. I am trying to convince a few people at my school to join you this summer, and I think at least one of them is going to attend. Keep up the good work. Thank you." Kenneth Garcia, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI
"I would without a doubt recommend the workshop to any of my friends! I came away with more than I expected ... new friendships, hilarious moments ( I think I almost pissed in my pants once!) unforgettable memories, a refreshingly new "loose" attitude. Reading your books are not the same as being there. I can't say enough about the experience. We were still laughing all the way home with your jokes. We had such a great time! Our experience there is priceless and can never be duplicated! Thanks for the opportunity, your generosity, and all your time. It takes an incredible person like you to bring out the incredible in all of us. I feel like I have a new pair of eyes, too. Thanks for giving me the gift to see the world in full color. Thanks for making a such powerful impact on our careers, our lives and well being. I want to especially thank you for helping me fulfill my dream to draw, and to draw with so much joy! Thank you for your encouragement and instilling confidence in me!!Why couldn't I have learned about your workshop sooner! You made the whole experience so fun and so funny at the same time." Romella Edgmon, Architect, Edgmon and Edgmon Design, San Diego, CA
"Mike, first off, I want to thank you for sharing your years of wisdom in illustration, architecture and life. The workshop was worth every penny. I now see the world in a new light: color glow, shade and shadow, color rainbow... I have confidence with my pen. Now that I know the principles its just a matter of applying them. I'm amazed how differently I see an illustration or drawing, I now see the principles that bring it to life. On the other side of the workshop coin is your attitude and approach towards life. I fully appreciated your philosophy and your jokes. I almost think it is worth as much as your knowledge of drawing. I had workshop with an approach similar to you, however, I had never heard someone vocalize it to me face to face. That was nice to hear. I did learn some things that gave me a new approach in life. I am excited about my future and the possibilities and opportunities coming towards me. I hope I continue to stay on the right path. Everything happens for a reason. Thank you for being happening." Jacob Dunaway, Native Design & Restoration Landscapes, Knoxville, TN
"I have to say, I can tell a big difference being back in the studio. I am so laid back now compared to our peers! We've already had one pin-up and my perspectives and graphic styles were definitely stand-out. The best part: I had fun designing and drawing, pulling out the tricks I learned in the
workshop, and getting things done in half the time as compared to last semester. With every day, I am more thankful that I attended yout workshop. Take care." Caroline Wallace, VPI, VA
"I have known Mike Lin for almost twenty years. Mike is the best motivator and educator in the use of graphics for architects and landscape architects that I have ever known. He has done wonders for those who are talented but more importantly for those who claim they can not draw. I highly recommend this workshop to everyone regardless of his/her ability, experience or age." Tom Papandrew, Chairman of Belt Collins Design Group and Past President of American Society of Landscape Architects
"Mike, The two week workshop in Kansas was one of the best things I could have done to help my presentations to my clients. Anyone who is considering the course should stop contemplating and go for it. The information you learn in just two weeks is invaluable, you cannot afford to miss this workshop. Mike's ability to teach and retain everybody’s attention for so many hours and so many days is truly amazing. Thank you Mike for your hospitality and all of your effort; neither will be forgotten." Chris Kane, Kane Brothers Water Feature, Burr Ridge, IL
"After attending Mike Lin's 2 week workshop in Kansas, I have to say that I am changed. I have a more positive outlook on life, much better drawing habits, and a solid direction. In the workshop, you not only learn about graphic principles, you learn how to enjoy life a lot more (which is what really matters). If anyone reading this is debating whether or not to go, just go for it!! You will NOT be sorry. You may think it's a lot of money, but you are actually losing money the more time you wait. Literally one drawing can pay for the entire workshop. Trust me, (and the tens of thousands of people who've already been there) you will be so thankful that you went. It's the best investment you'll ever make. Be a "DO-er" and just do it! Thanks again, Mike! You are awesome!" Dann Stockton, Uni. of Colorado, Denver
"The experience was amazing, I was sleep deprived beyond belief, but it was well worth it. I meet so many wonderful people and most importantly learned to improve my techniques, my speed, my art, my confidence, and focus on what is important in my life. Thank Mike for making this workshop such a great experience with his jokes, talent, and occasional philosophy. I would also like to say that the total amount spent on this workshop was well worth it. So thanks again for the confidence, the tricks, the memories, the laughs, for everything." Sarah Geller, Wichita, Kansas
"Mike Lin's workshop cuts out the crap, and shows true tricks and ways for you to use any medium to your highest potential. My speed and understanding of the various tools and mediums covered in his workshop has improved dramatically, and I now feel much more confident about drawing in the genre of Landscape Architecture. Mike also uses a special "memory-assist" technology he calls "joking." Seriously, his sense of humor not only helped lighten the mood during those long hours, but made certain tricks stick in my memory. Some have even crossed-over into my fine art." Anna McCambridge, Experiential Designer, Orlando, Florida
"Mike, just wanted to thank you for the incredible experience. Your shortcuts, tricks and techniques will save me many many hours, and in turn save me a lot of money. You are a master at keeping people focused and interested in the design work for so many hours per day. It was most definitely an unbelievable experience to see how quickly everyone improved, including myself, and I would recommend it to anyone. Again, thank you very much!" Cristina DePina, CDM & Assoc. Alexandria, VA
"The workshop in Kansas has changed my attitudes toward life, made me believe in myself and given me the qualities to achieve my ambitions. I waited 3 years to come to Kansas and really believed that this workshop is going to be my life changing experience and I can honesty say it has been everything I expected and more. I personally would like to thank Mike very much for the hard work he puts into changing so many of our lives, his attitude, skills, commitment, experience, knowledge and not to mention his humors was first class and it is unbelievable what we learnt in just 12 days. I am so proud to say that I have been to Kansas, America and completed the Mike Lin Graphic & Design Workshop." Kevin Antwhistle, Interior Architect, Stockton-On-Tees, England
"The Mike Lin workshop ranks as one of the toughest and demanding experiences that I have ever endured; yet at the same time it is truly one of the greatest personal & professional growth experiences I have had privilege to. It is definitely one of my personal “top five” to date. The dramatic improvements demonstrated by the students in general, regardless of their pre-existing skill levels, in a short two weeks are superior to anything I have ever witnessed before. Throughout my studies and career I have experienced many teaching and training situations on the same subject matter and they never produced anywhere near this amount of immediately visible and amazing increase in skills as demonstrated by the pre-tests." Robin Mackintosh, Senior Exhibit Designer, The Children's Museum of Indianapolis
"Hey Mike, I just want to thank you for the absolute fantastic workshop in Kansas! It had been almost 17 years since I first met you at Texas A&M, and my skills were so-so, and ever since, I had been wanting to take your workshop but only now finally got around to making it happen...and I'm so glad! My graphic skills improved dramatically at the workshop just as I had hoped, and I really want to applaud your teaching style. I learned so much so fast! As such, I really think it has contributed to shaping my life for the better in so many ways. You've said for years that the workshop would do that, and you're RIGHT! Anyway, thank you again for a wonderful time, and especially for your sincere and kind heart. I will definitely stay in touch. Best regards." David Cornwall, San Diego, CA
"This workshop was absolutely one of the greatest experiences in a learning setting I have ever encountered. Before I came to this workshop, I was seriously colorblind with many shades of lighter colors. After this workshop and being exposed to several colors, I can see those colors. I also have noticed all of the techniques we learned in class and have applied them to real life settings. I see the color glow in the trees, I see the gradual value change in the sky as well as sunset pink. Thanks to this workshop, and now I have a new set of eyes. Thanks Mike and all the TA's for the patience and willingness to teach and mentor." Jeff Krausert, Landscape Architect, Bolton and Assoc. La Plata, MD
"I am really grateful for the whole experience in Kansas, the workshop was superb and I cant thank Mike enough" Thomas Weeks, Univ. of Teesside, England
"Hello Mike, I took your workshop this past January and boy, has it changed my life. It is just amazing how much I improved, especially after a few weeks of practicing. I am getting better everyday, and I have so much more time on my hands now. What use to take me a week (struggling and worrying), now takes me a few hours. I just had my first portfolio review and my professors were astonished at my improval." William Skeet Norton, U. of Texas in Austin, TX
"Mike Lin's workshop really motivated me to draw every day since I'm back to Switzerland and the most amaging thing is that I'm now enjoying to draw even if the results were not satisfying, After several workshops I have attended, Mike Lin is the first person I met who really brought all the rules of drawing to their points. During his class I realized that drawing and rendering are learnable. Studies his graphic tricks and work hard will definitely develop the person's artistic talent. I really recommend Mike's workshop to everybody, who seriously wants to become a designer or an illustrator." Stephan Meier, Garden Designer, Bern, Switzerland
"Attending the Mike Lin Twelve Day Graphic Workshop was a truly unique experience and one of the best decisions I've made in my life. I learned more there than I did during the preceding 3-1/2 years of studying Landscape Architecture. I finally have the confidence, and more importantly, the desire to draw. Graphics no longer loom as a burdensome task, but rather an opportunity to express my creativity with enthusiasm. Thank you Mike for an invaluable technical, as well as philosophical, education." Peter Lampone, Woodland Hills, CA
"Mike, you are an incredible person, fantastic educator and gracious host. You selflessly spent many many hours teaching, motivating and entertaining us and pushing us every minute to be the best that we can be. I am very proud to know you and I am very glad to have attended your workshop, my life and my drawing will never be the same! Thank you for sharing your many talents with us all." Elna Holley, Interior Designer, Alpharetta, GA
"In the Mike Lin Graphic Workshop,I was able to improve my skills and learn all the "tricks" to great design and color. Not only did Mike cover graphics, but he also taught us a lot about attitude and life! It truly was an amazing experience and I would do it again!!! Now that I am back at school and at work I am quicker with my projects and have more confidence - not only that but my professors and boss have more confidence in me as well! Thanks!" Lorien Hall, Brigham Young University
"Mike, thank you very much for a very productive two week workshop--- one I will never forget! I feel equipped now to tackle any graphic project that comes my way. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the service you provide to struggling students like me. You are wise, kind, and gracious, and will recommend your workshop to everyone at UGA. I wish you had a workshop II so I could hone my skills even further. Thank you very much Mike! You are leaving a legacy far beyond any physical building because you have influenced thousands of people with your books and teaching. You should be proud." Sharon Muczynski, University of Georgia
"Thank you for EVERYTHING!!! It is true, your workshop has changed my life! I learned more than I thought I could retain. I saw remarkable improvement in my work. And I also made many many friends! Thank you does not seem enough to say for all that you did for us! I feel like one of the "Star fish" that you helped... And it meant the world to me!!! You no doubt, have changed many, many peoples lives!" Cindy Willingham, Mississippi St. University
" I definitely feel that Mike's workshop has been the most significant workshop I have ever attended. I have been an artist for all of my life, and primarily worked in black and white. I have always had troubles with color and been afraid of it. The attitude of this workshop helped me conquer this block in my work. Now I see color everywhere, and am able to use it! The exercises we performed as a class de-mystified color techniques that are often shrouded in useless art-speak. I feel my time spent with Mike will change my creative endeavors, and ultimately my life." Desmond Poirier, Kansas State University
"Master Lin, this workshop is by far the best class I have ever attended. I can honestly say I learned more in two weeks w/ you than I have in three semesters in school. Thanks again Mike for being so damn good as a teacher and making me so much better." Nick Archer, AIAS, DMAA
"First I was very nervous to attend. I have never been a great artist, not even a good one. I was coming to get credit for a class. Well, the workshop not only got me credit for my class, my teacher wanted to give me more credit, and I greatly improved my graphics. Mike, I also learned a lot about life, your Linisms are a lot to sit and think about. Thank you for everything." Lindsey Jankowski, Kandall College, Grand Rapid, MI
"Mike – the thoroughness of graphic instruction you offer at your 2-week seminar is unequalled. The multitude of tips and techniques I learned far exceed that of any other graphic/design seminars that I have attended. Not only will it benefit my professional career greatly, attending this seminar has completely changed the way I see the landscape. My only thought upon returning home was, why didn’t I do this 10 years ago! Thank you for the great “art” experience and the humor, wit and thoughtfulness of which you present it." Margaret Morrissette, Landscape Designer, Smithfield Architects & Builders, Lake Bluff, IL
"Hello Mike, how are you doing? I just wanted to thank you again for the wondeful workshop you gave last summer. My life has be changed eversince I took the workshop, so thank you.
I hope the next workshop will be as successful as previous ones." Sachiyo Hartanto, Interior Designer, Urawa, Saitama, Japan
"Mike, after the workshop, I really can't describe the new outlook that I have on life. I see the world differently now, it all of a sudden got smaller and more attainable or conquerable. At the same time it got richer and I can't soak up my surroundings fast enough. Your humor kept everyone going and made the time fly. It takes a genius to gather that many totally different people together and have the great success that Mike does. Mike, keep that passion that you have to help others and people will keep coming to you! Words can't describe everything that you have given me. I offer you two more words in a feeble attempt to express my gratitude, Thank-you! Forever indebted." Virgil L. Widger, Landscape Designer, Ames, IA
"Hello Mike! Greetings from Canada!!! Well, I must say – never did I expect to change and grow so much as a person from one two week trip to Kansas! But you have literally changed my life. I can not begin to thank you for your time, effort and talent that you graciously and wholeheartedly shared with all of us. I have returned to the “real world” with restored vigorous and passion for design and look at the world through different eyes. It truly is extraordinary, my colleagues and myself recognize a change in my work – be it through speed and confidence in my approach or the finished product. The workshop was amazing and anyone who is interested – do it…you will never regret it." Sabrina Goettler, Juergen Partridge Limited, Ontario, Canada
"The Mike Lin workshop is one of the most unique experiences a person can encounter. Since I have participated in this workshop all I want to do is draw! My Spanish notes are completely covered with perspective drawings and awesome landscape plans. This workshop has not only improved my drawing skills, it has improved my confidence, ambition, and my desire to communicate with others. The teaching assistants, and the other Be Loose participants, really create a companionate environment, a type of environment where time seems to evaporate. You really can’t afford to not take this workshop! Sank you Mike Lin!" J.T. Savoie, University of Nebraska
"It doesn't get any better than this! Mike Lin's Kansas Workshop can convert the illiterate artist to a true artist. It is nothing short of a miracle. My ability to render and draw after attending Mike's Workshop far exceed three years in the fine arts program at college. I returned from the workshop and my rendering and perspective drawing skills were in immediate demand. Within a week, I picked up three new customers just because I can render perspectives. These jobs will more than pay for the Workshop tuition. Thanks Mike for sharing your gift." Terry Sims, Landscape Designer, Boise, ID
"Mike, I want to thank you for your dedication to our two-week workshop in Kansas. It is true, you probably had the most energy out of all of us. The combination of your skills, humor and life lessons made the workshop well worth my time, money and lack of sleep. Also I am amazed by the quality of TA's and participants you've managed to attract to middle America. The experience will never be forgotten and has undoubtedly changed the way I view life." Steve Aquillano, President, Student Chapter of Landscape Architecture, Univ. of Georgia
"Drawing along with Mike is a meditation in color. We learned many invaluable graphic tricks and life lessons. The days flew by and it was so exciting to watch the quick and positive progression of the group. After the hours of instruction and practice I can now see my world more clearly. I perceive the color glow in the grass, perspective in the architecture and gradual value change in the sunset. The workshop has enriched my life and given me a renewed energy for design" Hayley Diamond, UCLA Extension Landscape Architecture
"The workshop was well worth the time and money invested. It was remarkable how much my drawings improved from the "tricks" and techniques taught in the workshop. I really enjoyed Mike's teaching methods since it made the workshop quite informative and entertaining unlike some other
seminars that I have suffered through. Now that the class is over." Mark Gremmer, Engineer, City of Milwaukee
"I have observed many graphics teachers during my 25 years in the Landscape Architecture profession and Mike Lin is, unquestionably, the best. He has the abilities and unique philosophy to teach you the fundamentals needed to soar in graphics and, generate higher levels of self confidence. It's absolutely the most dynamic workshop I've experienced." Professor James Perry, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Mississippi State University
"The two weeks I spent at the Mike Lin Graphic Workshop were, without question, two of the most valuable weeks I have ever experienced. In this brief period of high intensity training, I have gained more useful, applicable knowledge than in several semesters during my undergraduate career. I am more confident in my graphic abilities, and now find myself looking for excuses to draw. Having completed this workshop, I am now looking forward to this semester's final presentation, rather than dreading it as in years past. Hour for hour, and dollar for dollar, this workshop was one of the best investments I have ever made. Thank you." Justin R. Cole, AIAS, CSI Student Affiliate President 2004-2005, University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN
"Your workshop has been the best thing I have done so far in my art training. I have come out with not only a different way of seeing but also a new confidence in my work. The group was great, I met some very fine people and made what I hope to be long lasting friends. I was so very impressed at how you handle and channel the integration and the energies of the group. How you could maintain our attention for hours and hours, considering that most people have an attention span of 20 minutes, you were able to keep us going for hours on end. All I can say is thank you for a remarkable experience, with my warmest regards." Alicia Newman, Hindhead, Surrey, England
"this was the BEST course I've ever taken!! I've recommended it to several friends, some of whom have no drawing experience whatsoever and I told them it doesn't matter, Mike will teach you what you need to know. Just have an open mind, drink lot's of coffee, Be Loose and prepare for an experience of a lifetime. Thanks for the experience!! It's something I'll never forget (well at least try to. It's been thirteen years and I'm not 30 anymore). Doug Stapleton, Seattle, WA
" We have been so impressed with the results of Mike Lin's intense, but highly creative 2 week workshop that we would like to send 8-10 of our designers from our firm to the workshop." Kari Muenster, Creative Director, Interior Systems Inc. Fond de Lac, WI
"I had put it off for one reason or another for 8 years. I don't know where all that time went, but
one thing is for sure, the time spent with Mike's workshop was well worth it. The way in which the material is compressed and presented is impressive. Having read many books and copied things I had seen was helpful, but not nearly as fruitful as the way Mike teaches his techniques and tricks.
He has a tremendous ability to break graphics down into small, digestible pieces, then weave them together to produce real results FAST. He does this in an atmosphere that is an absolute blast. His outlook on life is right on. Thanks." Paul D'angelo, Landscape Architect, Imagine Design and Development, Quincy, MA
"The world of drawing is new to me. I could not have had a better guide to walk me through it than Mike Lin. Now I will feel more confident and less afraid to risk as I move pencil and marker to express my ideas of landscape space. The workshop was well worth it! The generous group of people I met there, both the staff and the other participants, was more than I ever expected."
Thomas Mickey, Professor of Communication Studies, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA
"Mike, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you do. It's been over six years since I attended your two week workshop and that experience and knowledge have changed my life. I not only gained confidence in drawing but in life. It helped me pass the LARE the first time. Take care and keep up the good work, J.R. Kramer ASLA, New Wateford, OH
"I learned more at your two week workshop than in my whole first year at college. I wish I had taken this before I started college." Mark Landhauser, Architect, Smithfield Architects & Builders, Lake Bluff, IL
"Mike, in your workshop I learned much more about drawing and rendering techniques than I had in four years of college, at the same time, I learned that humans can be pushed hard to extremes to achieve excellence. In addition I learned about a humble life philosophy and met many great people. I arrived with little confidence on how I drew and left with confident that I can draw as far as I want. The hard work paid off and now I can draw and render a perspective in just 4 to 5 hours, used to take me over a week. It’s incredible that two weeks can do so much to someone. I highly recommend anybody that wants to draw to take this workshop,and is not only for designers, but for anybody that needs to be loose when drawing. Once again, Thanks Mike for everything and specially for sharing your knowledge." Karla Steinmuller-Robertson, Miami, FL
"Mike, I want to thank you for the life-changing experience of your workshop. Honestly, it was something beyond a workshop - it was a major life experience. I was not among the youngest in the class, and I've done lots of things, but I feel that the experience with you and everyone in the class was one of the better things I have ever done. You inspire me with your talent and passion to teach, you make me laugh with your jokes, and you touch me deeply with your genuine care and concern that we all learn and be the best that we can be. It is fun and interesting to realize the effect of the workshop after it is over. It gives greater confidence, and I will never forget the experience. I appreciate you, your family, all of the T.A.'s, and fellow students who worked so hard to make this an incredible life accomplishment. Keep up your good work, and know that you have changed me for the better." John W. Severence, Jr. Artful Ground Designs, Auburn, Georgia
"It warms my heart to know that I have been in the presents of such a uniquely sincere and giving person like Mike. He is so willing to share his gifts with his students. Not just his drawing skills but gifts of knowledge about living a happy and healthy life. I have spent 41 years on this earth and have not found many people that are willing to share the secrets of success with the magnitude that he does! Mike said he would change my life.....he did! I am not afraid anymore.....I am going to go out and play! I will always think of Mike and be thankful for him and the gift of freedom that he has given to me. Freedom to believe in myself." Johnna Brooks Landscape Architect, Point Reyes Station, CA
"Every one of my students who has attended the workshop has returned with increased self-confidence, recharged enthusiasm, and significantly improved graphic skills." Jack E. Ingels, Professor, State University of New York, Cobleskill, New York
“This was truly a moving experience in my life...I have never had such a great time with so many individuals in this type of situation. I feel as thou I have left a part of myself in Kansas. There were plenty of tears shed the next morning. So many of us really did not want to leave, I know I didn't. It is funny how Mike Lin can get so involved with people so fast... Mike has allowed so many of us to reach a place we never could have alone. I feel as thou the friends that I have made in Mike’s studio will be with me for a life time...I only hope Mike will be able to re-create the same sparks that he did with our group for the next. As I sit in my office writing this to Mike, I can only say Thank You so much! - Not just for the graphic instruction, but for touching my life in such a way I thought not possible. It was absolutely one of the best things I have ever done if not THE best. I write this with a heavy heart because I feel as Mike does....I am missing something that I desperately want to get back... I miss Mike and the class very much. It will be hard to get back into the groove here in Atlanta... very hard. I think thou that because of Mike I will be making my own groove... Special people are very hard to find and I plan on holding on to them all. I really don't have the words to continue...Thanks again.” Tyler W. Ahrens, Falling Water Corp. Roswell, Ga
“Mike, I think you are a very abnormal teacher (that's a compliment to you). You are a great communicator because you speak with the language of your heart. Taking your workshop is one of the treasures I will always keep in my mind.” Jim Pendleton, Town Creek Landscaping, Baltimore MD
“Wow Mike, You truly are an amazing man and teacher. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to share two weeks of my life with a wonderful group. The "Linisms" you have planted in my heart will bloom forever.” Mikka Albrecht, Mea Design, Hoover AL
"Mike Lin’s graphic workshop is better than any other graphic workshops. I’ve learned so much not only in graphic techniques but in life attitude. Mike helped me building my confidence and taught me to be loose. This experience will change me and my drawings for a long time. Thank you very much, Mike." Atsuko Ochi, RMPK Architects, Sarasota, FL
"Not only did the workshop teach me the skills to become better at drawings, but it also gave me a better perspective on life. After spending time with Mike, he has made me want to enjoy life more and not get caught up in everyday stresses. Thank you Mike!" Amber Glusac, UCLA, CA
"Participating in the workshop was one of the best decisions I ever made. I was skeptical first, but after experiencing it, I now know that it was well worth it. It was an experience that I'll never forget. I learned so much in such a short time that it's unbelievable. The atmosphere of fun an d relaxation that Mike creates is what makes this workshop so successful. I am forever in debt to Mike Lin for the new outlook I have on life due to my confidence and realization that you must live every moment of your life to the fullest." Patrick Roberts, University of Kansas
"Mike, I've been hesitant to write this testimonial, because as much as I enjoyed the workshop I was at a loss of words as how to thank-you. I realized today that not only have my graphics improved drastically, but as I sat down and worked today, I ENJOYED working for hours on finishing a project. In fact I've nearly finished the entire project that isn't due for another week due to the fact that once I sit down I don't want to get up. Spending 9 hours on one drawing in the workshop has definitely continued into my school work, whereas before I would end up spending a few minutes here and there and have a terrible looking project at the end". Jeff Orkin, Mississippi St. University
"The Mike Lin Two Week Graphic Workshop was a fantastic opportunity to learn the difference between good and bad graphics skills. In the first week, I learned to set up perspective drawings, use markers and colored pencils properly and add color to drawings like an expert. The second week we learned more rendering techniques and had the opportunity to master our new skills under the watchful eyes of Mike and his staff. Now, instead of thinking for days about maybe doing a drawing, I can get right to it and it looks better that I could have ever imagined. I especially enjoyed learning about people from around the world in the workshop. Thank you, it was a great workshop." Mary Wikswo, Chesapeake Bay Landscape, Dutton, VA
"Mike's workshop was an incredible life changing experience for me. After only a couple of days at the workshop I could tell that my drawing skills had greatly improved. I also left the workshop with a new outlook on life and how I live. It was a fabulous experience that I would suggest to anyone who is interested in art or design." Jacob Rife, University of Minnesota
“I appreciate Mike’s enthusiasm and wit that he brought to the workshop, and above all his fantastic sense of humor that immediately took hold with all the students, and turned the workshop into one of the funniest 2 weeks of my life.” Amanda Portman, Architecture West, LLC. Estes Park CO
"Mike I took your two week long workshop in Kansas back in 1992 with Purdue group...it was one of the most valuable experiences of my life. The tricks of the trade I learned there have propelled me to have my own successful landscape architecture firm after only a few years out of college. Thanks so much." Sean J. Murphy, President, Amenity Architects, Marietta, Ga
“Mike, you have taught me that life is too short and I should spend more time with friends and family. I have already added a second cruise to my travels this year; you have given me the courage to do it. As I said before, you have given us so much more than a course in graphics, but a course in life. I have spoken to friends and family on the phone today. And everyone has commented on my added energy and excitement. That's all because of what you have done for me. Thank you.” Annette Carter, Beltsville MD
“The long, intense hours of work were worth it, and taught me that I am stronger and more determined than I ever thought I could be! I have great respect for Mike that he was always willing to stick with us and keep us going with your jokes until the wee hours of the morning. He has affected me so much - my attitude and my outlook on life, as well as my skills and confidence. Now I have so much energy and positive attitude that I hope will carry me through the rest of my life. I need to find a way to convey the meaningful and valuable lessons I have learned so that I can share with others the full impact of the experience, and hopefully they will want to experience it for themselves. I have already told many of my classmates that I cannot recommend this workshop highly enough, and I can't wait to talk to some other friends who have been there in the past, to tell them that, ah, NOW I understand. I can only say thank Mike for being the one to bring together such a wonderful, fun, supportive, and talented group of people. Mike you are an amazing, hard-working, generous and inspiring person who is SO DAMN GOOD! I am already missing your jokes, laugh, and positive attitude. So many thanks for all Mike have given me.” Keri Mordue, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
“After the workshop on the return flight to Phoenix, I spent the entire 2.5 hour flight laying out a job that was due before I left for the workshop, I just sketched and sketched, page after page - and I swear, I am done! Previous to this experience I would have labored over a 24" x 36" piece of vellum for probably 12-15 hours, just for the preliminary design. Since starting school part-time for Landscape Architecture in 1993, I swear every single professor I have ever had told me to keep a sketchbook - I even have 3 or 4 floating around the bookshelf somewhere...but NEVER have I done what I did yesterday...and NEVER did I think I would enjoy it so much. A TRULY life changing experience has just taken place...and I feel rejuvenated, encouraged, and excited about the future. I don't think it's possible to describe in words exactly how I feel, but the above statements are all a true accounting of what I experienced just in the few hours after leaving Master Mike Lin and all of my new-found talents, tricks, and friends. Thank you again for your spiritual guidance.” Monday West. UCLA, CA
“Mike, I wanted to say what incredible experience your workshop was. I have to admit my philosophies already ran on the same lines as yours, but hearing you voice them only reinforced and validated how I live my life and try to teach others through word and deed. I only hope the kids that were in the group paid attention and will remember when they get home. Thank you for making me push the envelope and go way beyond my comfort zone. By doing that I learned so much and my confidence has grown 100-fold. I was never taught ANY technique like you taught at the workshop. Anyway, Thank you for a great experience- exhausting as it was- I came out a better, more confident, more motivated person. Have a great time in England and good luck in your future ventures.” Rachel Colgin, Garden Works, Peoria IL
“To the outsider looking in, they can't understand it...to the insider looking out, we can't explain it...thank you Mike" Ben Dozier, Trugreen Landcare, Austin, TX
“Mike, we truly feel in love with you. You are such a simple, humble and funny person. I missed your jokes. Keep teaching, you are such a great inspiration. I really missed the workshop. Now I have the confidence to conquer the world, thanks to you Master Lin. Seriously there are no words to tell you how much of a difference you made not just on me but with everyone. All I heard was positive things. After the workshop, my mother said it was definitely an improvement on the drawings comparing the before and after. She said to me this is a MIRACLE, how can Mike teaches this much in two weeks? I am sure going to send my three years old daughter to you someday to learn from you. I am sure you will still be teaching. Thanks for being who you are!! I loved all the jokes and great sense of humor.” Alma Arellano, Cicero, IL
“For two weeks, I spend time with Mike and listen to his "Linisms", I don't feel lost anymore. I thank Mike for inspiring me. I feel excited about my profession. I feel that my graphic skills will no longer negatively affect my design process as they have for so long. I fell full of life!! I always think it is sad to say good bye to someone you really respect and know you can learn so much more from, so I am writing to tell Mike that I miss you, and all your jokes too.” Shannon Bazar, U. of Georgia
“Attending your workshop has been one of the best experiences I could have ever invested in my energy, time and money. I learned so much about my own flawed perfectionist attitude as well as what it takes to actually draw, and it is so liberating. Thanks again for all the lessons and of course the unexpected comedy routines that made the time passes so quickly.” Claudia Saunders, Arizona State University
“Mike, your words of wisdom are magic. I left the workshop with more than I ever thought possible. I can draw so much better than I thought I ever could. Today I even found myself standing in a field here in Tennessee taking pictures of zig-zag (oak tree in sunset). I heard your voice coaching me on where to stand and where to place the tree, the sunset, the birds flying, the clouds, .... I could go on forever. THANKS. You've opened my eyes master yoda, oooops I mean Lin. Your class is great, I will miss Kansas and the workshop dearly, thank you so much.” Scott Graves, U. of Tennessee
“On the drive home yesterday after the workshop, I was saddened to leave behind all the great friends I had met. But, even though I am saddened by not being able to be with everyone, I feel honored to have met such a good group of friends and a great instructor such as yourself Mike. For me, the graphics were important, but was not the most important thing I took with me from the two week workshop. The most important asset I gained was the insight to life that you shared with us. You should be happy to know that so many of us think so much of you - and we only spent two weeks together. You are a great man and I hope that someday our paths will cross again. Please keep in touch.” Chris Kemper, Ball State University
“Mike, I am in awe that I had the opportunity to be a part of your life and to be part of such an awesome group of people. I have never met such an inspirational and caring person that is willing to share his talents with a bunch of strangers. Thank you so very much for pushing me to the limit. Yes, I know, we paid tuition for you to teach us but we received MUCH more than just graphic instruction, we received a part of you... something that prof's don't do these days. I will cherish the time we spent together and I will never forget the tricks that you taught each one of us... tricks about graphics and life itself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mike, thank-you again for offering such a wonderful experience, to whoever is willing to take a chance. I am so very grateful that I did.” Linda Foraker, Effective Enhancement, Livonia, MI
“When I first arrived at Mike’s workshop, I was a real skeptic at the thought that this workshop would change my life. I saw all of the letters posted on the walls but I didn't think that I would have the same experience as everyone else. Needless to say Mike proved me wrong. I miss Mike’s jokes, I thought I hated the long hours but I hate going to bed at night even more, I wish I was in Kansas spending my hours with Mike and everyone else in studio. Mike’s workshop is the best thing I could of ever done, I'm generally so uptight but now when things go wrong I just laugh, after all I could die tomorrow. Mike has given me the courage to start over and find myself; I'm just so different, I'm so happy! Everyone keeps asking me about my artistic skills, if I learned and am better at drawing, I don't answer their questions because I couldn't care if I learned one damn thing about drawing, I got my moneys worth learning about life. Thank you Mike with all my heart!” Jennifer Napier, Washington State University
“Hello Mike, we want to say thank you again for such a great experience. We had so much fun at your workshop and were so happy to meet so many incredible people that we hope to keep in touch with. Thank you for the new positive outlook on life, relationships, and work, it is something that will be with us for the rest of our lives together, thank you.” Dan Peabody & Grace Davini, Eastgate Garden Design, Topsfield, MA
“Mike, you've taught us a whole new way to look at the world & I NEVER want to lose that. I thank you so much for your energy, gift of teaching, philosophy and selflessness. You are truly an inspiration. I have come away from the workshop with a renewed attitude, a true LOVE of drawing and with a new way of seeing things. I'm already working on a rendering for an appointment this week & I see myself doing perspective sketches as part of the design process. Thank you again for your time, initiative and love of teaching.” Stacy Bernath, Clearwater Summit Group, Spokane, WA
“Mike, what a great semester I had and wanted to thank you for your part in that. Since attending your workshop last summer, my work has greatly improved. I feel more confident, have a better work ethic, and my drawings are so much looser! My teachers have asked me to teach my fellow students how to draw your styles, and we also have one of your posters hanging up in the interior design department at my school. I appreciate your teaching and generosity and that you care about your students. Thank you for helping to make my life more enjoyable because I'm better at what I do now.” Elisabeth Betzen, Cleveland Institute of Art
“Mike, I want to express my deepest thanks for what you did for me in such a short time. I can't say it enough what an amazing experience it was, although it was hard, it was extremely rewarding. The confidence I have in myself after the class is truly unbelievable - Thank you!!!! The great thing is that I am never going to be bored or at a loss of what to do with myself - I can draw now. I have always yearned to learn how to draw and have confidence to do it well is truly remarkable with your teachings. Thank you Mike for everything - you have changed me in ways I haven't even discovered yet!” Jason Mattix, James O’Brien and Co. Chicago, IL
“The Graphic workshop has been a wonderful experience. It became apparent the first day of class that your real strength is as a teacher. Your honesty and attitude combined with your sense of humor proves a powerful tool. It has been an experience I will never forget. Thanks for the confidence boost.” Charlotte Essex, Charlotte Essex Design, Murrhys, CA
“Mike, this is the most incredible learning experience I have ever had. I am 64 years old and thought I was not capable of drawing. I heard a lot of great things about your workshop and thought it was worth a try. It is clear that your method of teaching developed over 30 years can even teach an engineer to draw. You are so well thought out. I think I am developing a real passion for drawing. I used to go to bed at 10:00 pm, now I am still drawing at 2:0 am. I can not wait to get home and draw some more trees. It was an honor to be your student.” Tim Gremmer, Stevens Point, WI
“Mike, I wanted to thank you for such a gratifying experience! It was an honor to be part of your workshop and such a great group of TA’s. I have made friendships that will last forever. We had a good group of students and TA’s, but it would never work without the Master! I surely miss your jokes. Mike – you are the Master, I hope you know how much you change the lives of people, not only in graphics, but in attitude and confidence. I know that you changed me. You inspire me Mike and I thank you!” Alicia Taylor, ASAI, Taylored Landscape Design, Ft. Worth, TX
“Dear Mike, thank you for the great workshop. I thoroughly enjoyed it and have been deluged by e-mails from a nation of people all reeling from the reality bubble that we have all just left. I have been drawing since I left and I am determined to not lose the advances that I have made with you. I have made friendships and cannot wait until I am back in the US to meet up with them again. Let me know if you are in Edinburgh and I will happily give you a tour of the best bits, hope to hear from you soon.” Douglas Coltart, Viridarium, Ayrshire, Scotland
"After the workshop, my eyes see differently now and my hand is guided by a part of my brain that I have refused to recognize. It will take constant practice to exercise those new-found cells so they do not retreat into
a dark corner! I do know that Mike's many pearls wisdom will drop over time when I least expect them
- they have already. Mike's energy, knowledge, talent, and ability to generate enthusiasm - and all presented with a unique brand of humor that in itself sets him apart - is what makes his workshop an unforgettable experience. I think most of the participants had concerns about the large number in the workshop, but we now know that Mike's prediction that it is more exciting and provides more critique feedback with 75-80 than a smaller number, is so true. The way he has structured the physical setup of the workshop with the camera and monitors is the most effective way of teaching I have experienced. It was as though each of us had his personal attention every minute. Thank you." Nancy Klippert, Greenstreet Landscape Design, Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada
"Mike, it has been about two years since I have taken your workshop and I have to say Thank You! I am no longer tight and I have a lot more time to watch movies and travel. I really enjoyed your workshop and everything you taught has come in handy. I see some of my other classmates still struggling and I just wish that they could attend your workshop. Again, thank you for the great workshop." Ellen Wang, University of Maryland
"Mike, after the workshop, I have taken a few classes at the Academy of Art University in
San Francisco. When I went to the department head to see if I could test out of a few prerequisite classes, they not only allowed me to skip those classes but they also offered me a position teaching beginning perspective, mostly based on drawings I had completed during your workshop. You are a
known personality at the Academy and simply my attending your workshop had them curious to see my work. When I told them that you had recently relocated to the Bay Area, the school administration was interested in finding out how to direct students to your workshops. I told them to go to the web site. So, anyhow, thanks again Mike for last summer and the skills you gave me." Jim Skanberg, San Francisco, Ca
"Dear Mike, I just wanted to write to say thanks. I attended the workshop in May 2000, Quit my job in August, played till January, and paid for my whole workshop trip with my first job. Wow, you said one drawing would pay for the workshop but I didn't believe you. But I believe you now. It's been so much fun and I should have done this years ago. As an interior design background, I look at my work and have no idea how I did it. So exciting!!!! Mike, you gave me so much courage, I really want to thank you. Thanks Again." Diana Schmidt, Owatonna, MN
"Mike, thank you for the wonderful workshop! Your teaching style and the information that was presented was
greatly appreciated. You are not only a wonderful teacher, but a wonderful person as well who is able to
translate philosophy about life, love, and drawing into ingestible doses and create paradigm shifts in
countless lives." Amy Birdsall, Vail, CO
"Thank you for pulling the long hours with us in the studio and teaching us so much within such a
short period of time. It was an extremely rewarding two weeks and a great life experience. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for your enthusiasm and determination to make everyone that walked out that door better than when they first walked in. I think everyone would agree that we got much more than we bargained for. Matus Krajnak, Ryerson U. Toronto, Canada
"As a college teacher for 25 years, I always evaluate every teacher I study with. I think your workshop is well thought out and appreciate for the subject. I have learned a lot, thanks." Bruce Porter, Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas
"If someone says: I can not afford it, I would say: you can not afford to miss this workshop!. I believe that I improved my skill more than I ever imagined and also most importantly, I gained confidence more than I ever imagine I could in the field of architectural illustration. It is the best money I have ever spent." Hideaki Taguchi, University of Illinois
"There wasn't any part of this workshop that I didn't like. I loved every minute of it and yes, it has changed my life, thank you Mike." Jeanifer Hall, Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas
"I do not know how can I thank you for what you have done in my life personally and professionally. I think your workshop is one of the best . Please keep up the good work and thank you." Saad Al-Ajemi, KEO International, Kuwait
"What can I say. I came to Kansas with no expectations, as I leave, I take with me an understanding of how to become better, not only in my profession, but also in my life. I can not begin to tell you how honored I am to be a part of this workshop. I will take with me the new skill, confidence and best of all - friendships that will last. Again, thank you for your honesty and approach to teaching. 12 days to change your life... It can happen if you let it." Derek Boldt, Newschool of Architecture and Design, San Diego, CA
"By looking back, it was worth every minute of it. The night and day difference in my work is amazing to me. My new renderings got my boss pretty excited. Thank you for all your help, your hospitality, your enthusiasm, and your jokes. I never could have dreamed that I could have learned so much and had so much fun in Kansas! I've recommended your workshop to all of my tight friends. Kyle Albert, Ohio State University
"Mike, you really are a great teacher with a unique style that I can't put into words. I think all of us will remember your workshop for life. It was a great time. Thanks again for an outstanding 2 weeks." Janey Gregory, Senior Designer, MulvannyG2 Architecture, Bellevue, Washington
"I would like to thank you for teaching me not only to be a best drawer, but to learn from all your thoughts on life. I hope you realize that your teaching is filtered through every student to their friends, family, co-workers and even enemies. You do make a huge difference that goes well past just our drawings and I thank you for that. You have your legacy." James Allen, Architect, Calgary, Canada
"Mike, again I want to thank you for all of your help to me during the January 2001 session. My drawing abilities have greatly improved because of you. The level of confidence in design and presentation has skyrocketed. I create unbelievably beautiful outdoor spaces for my clients, and they are finding the funds to bring the designs to reality. I cannot adequately explain how much you have helped me." Will Spiegelberg, Landscape Desinger, Chicago, IL
"I am constantly amazed at the change my students undergo after finishing a 'Mike Lin Workshop'. They are so energized when they return to class, and they have attained a skill level they didn't think was possible. Mike seems to be a miracle worker, and the students benefit tremendously from his 'teachings'." Michael Evans, Coordinator, College of Architecture, Arizona State University
"I am very grateful that you enjoy sharing your knowledge and experiences with us. Those of us that were once so bad can soon become so damn good. Your workshop has boosted my skill and confidence. I feel that I've progressed a year ahead of where I was before I participated in your workshop. I have had very little drawing experience in my life, but I now receive compliments and praise for my drawings. Thanks again. I will let you know when I hit the next level of success." Michael Churchill, UC Davis, CA
"Mike is infectiously enthusiastic. Participants in one of these graphics 'boot camp' workshops will find that their hard work leads to increased confidence, productivity and camaraderie." Kenneth R. Brooks, Professor, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Kansas State University
"Attending the Mike Lin Graphic Workshop will make a night-and-day difference in your graphic abilities. It is an excellent way to learn valuable time-saving techniques." Carson Combs, City of Dublin, OH
"It has been almost a year since I took your 2-week workshop and I can say with full conviction that it did change my life in a very profound and positive ways. I learned so much which I use each day in my business and in my personal life. Your seminar is really a life class as well as a drawing class. Mike, DO NOT ever stop giving your personal views and philosophy to your students. What a wonderful gift you give to these people. The young persons in your class as well as the older ones (like me) will draw on the experience of your life, knowledge, and unique teaching style for a lifetime. Often if not each day since the workshop I have
reflected in some way of my time under your teaching." Steve Marzahl, Landscape Architect, Chicago, IL
"After left the workshop, I am already starting to miss the place and the great learning experience. Oh yes about your workshop, I must say I have improved a lot on my graphics. The workshop was so intensive but rewording. I have advised all my colleges here in Saudi to take this graphic workshop. Everyone here seems interested and I can tell you that you my be getting a few guys from Saudi Arabia in the near future." Dhiya Zeidan, Landscape Architect, Royal Commission, Saudi Arabia
"Your teaching is becoming evident in students work posted on our walls at Michigan State University. You can always pick the ones that have attended your workshops. Keep up the wonderful work." Sissi Foster, Professor, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Michigan State University
"Mike, I just wanted to thank you again for everything. You are one of the best teachers that I have ever had. I hope you always push your students as you did with us, it is the only way to get anywhere. In the spirit of sharing I am presenting what I have learned to the office at our lunchtime "meet the experts" series. Hopefully a few more people will come up to see you." Paul Spannhake, Gensler, Houston, TX
"This was the best two weeks of my life! I can't believe how much I was able to learn in such a short period of time. I would recommend this workshop to anyone, despite their artistic talent. Thanks for a great experience! Not only have I improved my drawing skills but I have also gained a positive attitude toward my drawings and life in general." Nikki Hubbard, University of Minnesota
"The satisfaction of the workshop is much more than I have expected. The skills and techniques that I learned in rendering and the positive attitude towards life made the money and time I have spent worthwhile. One thing I appreciated the most is that the amount of time Mike and the TA's spent with us all together just to help us to have a better vision in drawing." Bessie Chen, Ryerson University, Canada
"This workshop definitely helped my perspective on life and was a great asset for my artwork. I had a very good time and don't even want to leave. Your style of teaching just makes me want to learn more and more. Thank you very much, I had a wonderful experience here in Kansas. One which will remain very vivid for a long time to come." Erica Schwartz, University of Massachusetts
"This workshop is the most unique working and learning experience I have ever had. It is fully worth every penny I spent. Thanks Mike, you could teach a dead person to draw." Max Klemm, St. Genis, France
"There are moments in your life, that when you look back on them, you realize that the decision you made at that particular moment has had a huge impact on your life. Attending Mike's workshop was one of these moments for me: it was a turning point. I had failed a design studio and Mike's straightforward teaching and his dedication gave me the confidence I had lost. I don't think I would be finishing up my bachelor's right now with a project that I am proud of had it not been for him." Helen Economakis, University of Montreal
"I find the workshop to be very informative, comprehensive and fun. It is a confidence builder. I recommend this workshop to all my students and colleagues with an interest in design. I use Mike's book " Drawing and Designing with Confidence" in my design classes". Ron Bailey, Professor, Dept. Of Architectural Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University
"Unlike most of my friends, I didn't do any AutoCAD all summer. I did all of the hand-drawn graphics that the office produced (plans, sections, perspectives, and most of the color-rendering). I got offered a job when I graduate, because my boss said: "You have all of the tools." I don't have them all, but I have enough to impress her. So, with all of that, I said, THANK YOU. Mike, you have taught me well enough to get me away from the computer and into doing the fun stuff in Landscape Architecture very early in my career. And thanks again, for helping me to have some "talent", as the boss likes to call it." Chad Watkins, Grover & Harrison, P.C, Birmingham , AL
"I must thank you for being such a wonderful teacher. You have given me the ability to see things in their true light, the confidence to explore my talents, and the desire to reach for knowledge. Being exposed to people, talents, and ideas from all over the world has meant so much to me. I hope that you realize how much influence you have on the lives of others." Erin Baugh, University of Tennessee
"Looking back at the path my career has taken to date, I still have to say the most important thing that I did was to go to Mike Lin's 2 week graphic workshop that cold January in 1997. It was during those grueling 2 week that the light came on and everything clicked, and not just graphically. It sparked a passion inside of me that changed my outlook toward landscape architecture from just school work to the career that I enjoy today. I couldn't imagine doing anything else with my life. I still tell every
student that asks me for advice that the best thing he or she can do is to go see Mike for help. It will help them get their head straight and going in the right direction - graphically and otherwise. So thanks again, Mike." Jason Brownlee, Reaves Sweeney Marcom, Inc., Memphis, TN
"I am amazed by Mike 's energy level and dedication. I was surprised that Mike put in as many hours as we did (over 16 hours a day). This proves Mike's dedication and interest in his participants." Mike McCurdy, Wauwatosh, WI
"Mike, I have a good news to share with you....I just got nominated to receive the award for most the outstanding second year student in the interior architecture and will get the award directly from the International Interior Designers Assoc. Imagine that only two students in the whole Region have had the opportunity to be members every year...I think that I owe you a big thanks and your workshop have a lot to do with it." Cristina Ventre, UNLV, NV
"After the workshop, I have had four opportunities in one short week to put into practice some of the things we learned in the workshop. I feel a little taller, more confident, defiantly ready to tackle more challenging projects and charge more for them. Just as important were your "life" lessons. I have often mumbled and shouted "I'm so damn good!". You are an outstanding teacher. Thanks SENSEI." Peter Rothe, San Pedro, Ca
"Mike, I can start by telling you that words could not express to you what you have done for me in this two week workshop (January). Basically I wanted to tell you that you have helped me find myself and what makes me happy, the lifestyle that I want to live. I see such a true and sincere person in you and
most of all you are wise in everything about you. "Respect" is an understatement for you. I admire and respect you to the highest level. Your sincerity in your teaching and understanding your students is amazing. You are just an amazing person. Thank you Mike!" Renee Haines, Michigan State University
"After taking the workshop, anytime I show any of my work to a professional, they always ask if I've
been to Mike Lin's workshop. And thanks to the graphic skills I learned during your workshop, I won a HOK design competition and received a cash prize and an internship." Jared Acy, Mississippi State University
"Never have I encountered such clear and understandable instructions. I love it." Sally Mahaffey,
Oklahoma City
"I tell everyone in the design professions that you have the best deal going for improving themselves. Stay loose." Pete Williams, NBBJ, Columbus, OH
"I have learned so much in these two weeks. Mike's great ability to entertain and adjust to the class dynamics is astounding. He has a sixth sense when it comes to understanding group psychology." Morgan Selph, University of Minnesota
"Mike is a marvelous teacher, I respect and admire his knowledge with energetic and enthusiastic attitude. All of my students returned from his workshop with superb communication skills. I highly recommend anyone involving in the design profession to take his workshop." Professor Alice Loh, architect; landscape architect. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
"Mike is a very dynamic, humorous and gifted presenter. He makes everything so understandable. Before the workshop I was very unsure of myself, and with the tools Mike has given me, I have the confidence to try anything! More importantly, I can effectively critique and improve my finished drawing. This ability has empowered me to attempt very ambitious perspective drawings and complete them in a few hours! Thank You, Mike!" Chris Read, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
"Hi Mike. It was great to see you again. You ran a fabulous workshop." Dr. Jon Bryan Burley, Professor, Landscape Architecture Program, Michigan State University
"Thank You Mike! It is always such a pleasure to host you. Your visit came at a point in the semester when the students were running out of energy. Your humor and unique teaching style gave them all a much needed lift. Attitudes have become much more positive among those who took the workshop." Professor Paul Nieratko, Landscape Architecture Program, Michigan State University
"I found that the workshop was very motivational, instructional and enjoyable. I learned more than I could ever have imagined in the 12 days workshop. I met many people from the states and around the world which was a unique experience." Kai Fishman, Colorado Springs, CO
"I think that the workshop is the most growing experience I have ever had in my life. I have learned and experienced a transformation in my professional development. I have gained the confidence in myself and in my work, to take criticism objectively. I am happy that I attended the workshop and the overall attitude of the workshop is friendly and creative. No matter how I end up in life I will look back on this workshop as a stepping stone that has raised me to a new height in my own personal success." Aaron Hillman, Arizona State University
"This workshop had been wonderful. I am really glad I took the time to come to this workshop and I learned more than I ever thought I would." Allison Ostergaard, Utah State University
"Thank you for a great experience in the workshop. I learned everything I hoped to and much more, thanks to your excellent ability to put complex concepts into easy to understand principles. I do appreciate for the generous sharing of your time, expertise, spirit and your philosophy. If I ever achieve any of my artistic hopes and aspirations, I will have you to thank for laying the good foundation." Monica Rinderer, Brookfield, IL
"Great experience. I did learn more in two weeks than I have in a long time. I especially appreciate Mike's teaching methods, I totally see the world differently now. " Chery Webster, University of California - Berkeley
"Feel assured that the two weeks investment you spend in Manhattan will dramatically improve your graphics skills. Many seminars promise similarly results in self-improvement of every sort, but do not fully deliver..., Mike's workshop does. Unlike most instructors who simply urge you to "just do it", Mike leads you step-by-step through all the whys and how of creating drawings that will truly impress clients and colleagues. Come prepared for long hours of hard but rewarding work, punctuated by Mike's unique sense of humor. " Ted Cleary, Landscape Architect, Charlotte, NC
"The workshop is wonderful, I saw great improvement in my skills within the first week. I appreciate your dedication to accommodate us so our needs were met. Thanks." Josh Hellewell, Utah State University
"Hi Mike! I have been meaning to write to you but your class has made me very busy here! I am doing a lot more renderings and I love it! Thank you." Karen Janisewski - Project Designer Water Technology, Inc. Beaver Dam, WI
"Mike, your philosophy on life has opened many doors to many tunnels in my life. The changing of
one's attitude will change the artistic touch one has in seeing the hidden tricks of creating a good design. While being a good designer is just copying what you have brought forth to our attention. Thanks for opening the Door...." Jason Walden, University of Tennessee
"I have waited for five years to participate in Mike's workshop. I will say that the workshop comes highly recommended, but the recommendation was greatly understated. Mike has a good workshop because he is fair. He requires a lot and his teaching style is unmatched. This experience is unique and I feel blessed and extremely fortunate to have been a participant." Michael Robinson, Memphis, TN
"Without question the best educational value I have ever experienced. Mike Lin is a master of teaching principles and the psychology of learning. Within two weeks, I have developed a new way of seeing my surroundings and developed the skills to appreciate the environment." Randy Michaud, Lincoln, NE
"I totally and wholeheartedly appreciated your humor and wit. Your are very funny and well rounded individual. I am incredibly awed with your talent, as a magician, comedian, artist, conversationalist, host, friend, teacher and comrade. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with me. Attitude is everything and has changed the way I see things. I always knew it, but not as much as now. You and your workshop came to me at a time in my life when I needed it most, and I can only say positive things and thank you from the bottom of my heart." Allison Yerger, Arizona State University
"I greatly enjoyed the workshop. Mike's method of instruction is excellent, I came here with no drawing ability and now leave here with great confidence in drawings. Mike is a great person and I can really tell that he cares about his students. I would refer to anyone to come to this workshop." Jason Kite, University of Tennessee
"Thank you for your time, knowledge and insight. Your workshop has been the most helpful experience in all of my studies. You will always be in my thoughts. God bless you and thank you for everything." Todd Charlton, University of Idaho
"The workshop has been a true inspiration to continue and excel beyond my wildest imagination. It is a fierce two week commitment worth every bit of exhaustion. The price is considerably reasonable in regards to the price of a class and the amount of time which will be saved." Jared Vermeil, University of California - Berkeley
"Mike, thank you for all of your help. I now have a whole new outlook on things returning to school. The tuition is merely pennies for how much you have taught me, thank you very much." Justin Bingman, University of Illinois
"I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. My progress and changes was so dramatic that I couldn't believe we were here for only two weeks. At first I thought that it was a little pricey, but after seeing the improvement in my work, it now seems a little cheap. In two weeks, I learned more about graphics and design than years of school." Brian Pittman, Oklahoma
"The best investment I have ever made." Mickey Gibson, Mississippi State University
"Mike extracts the hidden energies in our students. He gives you the graphic tools and then motivates you to become more than you ever thought possible. A dynamic workshop, and a must for anyone in the design profession." Bruce Williams, Instructor, Landscape Architect. Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
"Your jokes and the way you teach really helps to make everyone learn better and stay interested for the whole 16 hours a day. The graphic tricks also have improved my drawing skill incredibly. Overall, I think this workshop was great and will recommend it to all my friends." Jerilyn Kruger, Arizona State University
"My past month has been so damn exciting and very busy due to this new found ability to draw. I can't even express how much this workshop has done for me, let alone my office. I almost feel I should be passing on a percentage to the cause - or at least I'LL grab the dinner tab next time your in Vegas. (you were right about how insignificant the cost of the workshop would appear afterwards.) Please keep me updated on any future workshop endeavours.......I'd be very interested to see what could come of the "MIKE LIN TAKES ON EUROPE" traveling workshop, thanks Mike." Jason Jones, Architect, Las Vegas, NV
"I feel this workshop has been worth the time, effort and money I spent, I am excited about designing and drawing for the first time. My confidence level is a hundred times higher. I feel that knowing how to draw will make school a lot less stressful. Overall, I would recommend this workshop to anyone! it saved my life!, thank you so much." Lindsey Carlsness, Arizona State University
"I didn't believe anyone could help me draw better, but you did, and with ease I might add. I have found your lecture to be very entertaining, and that makes the long hours flew by quickly. The whole cost of this trip was nothing as far as how much time it will save me in drawing and such, thank you". Kristine Rich, University of Massachusetts
"It's been about 10 days since the workshop ended, and I just wanted to extend my thanks. I really did change my life. I didn't think it would, especially after reading how it did for everyone else. But it did and for that I am grateful. It wasn't even so much the graphics part of it (although I did learn a lot), however it was more your philosophies that impacted me. Life is too short. I just can't stop thinking that for some reason, and I seriously must try and get all I can out of it. Thanks a lot for clearing that up. John Baranello, Rutgers University
"I have learned more in this two weeks workshop than I have learned throughout my entire college education due to the manner and delivery of Mike's style. Overall, this workshop has been an amazing experience that will make me a better designer, renderer, and a person." Lindsey Mathes, Dallas, TX
"These two weeks have been absolutely incredible. This is an experience I will never forget." Jessica Leak, Longview, WA
"Overall, this has been an incredible experience, worth both the time and expense. The instructor could not possibly do a better job teaching graphic principles and maintaining interest through humor." Francisco Gomes, University of Massachusetts
"This workshop has changed my entire outlook on graphics and give me confidence that I was always lacking. This is the best class I have ever taken and it is a bargain. It was also the best money I have ever spent." Michele Furlong, San Francisco, CA
"What a worthwhile 12 days of my life." Norma Pinette, University of Georgia
Mike motivates and builds individual's confidence through a unique educational experience. When my students ask what Mike's workshops are like, I simply respond, "Graphics Boot Camp". Workshops are intense experiences which change the way one thinks of graphic communication. Marguerite Koepke Professor , University of Georgia
"I can not imagine any other person who could motivate a class in such a short time and produce such amazing results." Jim Holtgreven, City College, NY
"The content of this course was very excellent. I can't believe how much better I have gotten by taking this course. Every new concept Mike taught was explained in a very understandable manner." Jonathon Pruessner, Texas Tech University
"I have learned more in this workshop about graphics and life than in four years of college." Todd Diesburg, January 1998 participant
"The content of this workshop was huge but Mike made so many light bulbs go on! I finally understand the techniques for rendering. His talent of public speaking was greatly appreciated. Just when I thought I would die form exhaustion, he would crack a joke that make me laugh. Thank you Mike." Mike McKenzie, Mississippi State University
"I don't know how Mike maintains the intensity but it was a life altering experience for me… Should have done the workshop long ago. I came to improve my lost skills and certainly did that, thank you." Rick Morse, Principal of NBBJ, Columbus, OH
"Mike, how you take so many people with such diverse backgrounds, needs, and experience and give everyone knowledge they needed is amazing. Your humor makes the class so much fun." Debbie Kotalic, Kotalic Landscaping, Huntington, WV
"The workshop taught me all the things that I had not learned in school, this is necessary to draw and render as a professional designer. The only regret that I have is not taking this workshop in my freshman year." Randee Mazur, Arizona State University
"Overall it was a great workshop, I really liked al the techniques I learned. I was also very inspired because when you are able to draw better, it makes you like to draw more." Christine Richards, Colorado State University
"Immensely valuable workshop! My drawings have completely changed. I've learned more during these two weeks than I did in two quarters of drawing classes. I've not only gained specific skills but my attitudes about drawing have changed - I am much looser and really can look at a professional drawing and feel like "I can do that". And I am confident about continuing to draw and improve upon it." Peter Jursik, University of Minnesota
"I had a truly rewarding experience. I feel ready to take on any project that comes my way. It was well worth the fees. I will recommend it to everyone in my studio." Carrie Palasinski, Ball State University
"I found the course very intense, it forced me to challenge my creativity level and developed a confidence level in myself that I have never had before. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to improve their level of confidence and self esteem and learning how to draw." Ron Hill, Finley River Designs Inc., Nixa, MO
"The workshop challenges participants to their maximum potential, and the results have been proven that anyone either amateur or professional alike can and will improve their drawing ability. I now understand the be loose philosophy." Cindi Plant, Instructor, Lakeland College, Alberta Canada
"The best course I have ever taken and has changed my attitude toward successful graphics and success in general, thank you." Chris Martin, Redlands, CA
"The past 10 days were a life changing experience, definitely for the better. It gives you confidence and inner strength to conquer the Design World." Kelly Smith Mississippi State University
"Wow! What else can I say. Mike teaching style and his sense of humor made eleven grueling days seem like minutes. I was easily able to follow along instructions and his patience is commendable. Never have I learned so much nor improved so much in such a short period of the time. This course is incredibly effective for teaching people of all levels. My only regret is that I waited so long to do this." Gary Smith, Kabil Assoc., Columbus, OH
"This is the 'best' and most successful workshop I have ever attended. It is unbelievable how much I have learned and improved within such a short time." Ong Ai Li, University of Idaho
"The workshop was very organized and well put together. I enjoyed every minute of it. Mike holds the attention of the class extremely well. It would be impossible to learn all this stuff without someone as dedicated as Mike. Overall the best workshop I have ever been! I am very pleased with it." Adam Jones, Mississippi State University
"Mike Lin is one of the most dynamic, energetic persons I have ever met! A definite motivator." David Lewis, University of Arkansas
"The best money I have ever spent. I though that my graphics were good until I learned it from Mike. Now I will be embarrassed to show my earlier work. I have improved that much. I can't wait to get back and show how much my graphics and techniques have improved." Kevin Rich, University of Massachusetts
"In 12 days of Mike's workshop, you can learn more about graphics and life than you can learn in five years anywhere else." Michelle McAlpin, Providence, Rhode Island
"I have really learned a lot at this workshop. I didn't believe I could draw before coming here, in the past, the harder I tried the more stiff and unrealistic my drawings have become. Learning to loosen up has allowed me to speed up my drawings and infuse them with more life." Karenda Hongisto, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
"This workshop was the most incredible learning experience I have ever had, Mike's techniques are the best tools to learn how to draw, render and see colors. Rita Baron, Wischmeyer Architects, Springfield, MO
"I enjoyed the workshop greatly. My sensitivity and awareness of the world around me has increased so much and I love it!" Anita Parker, Pullman, Washington
"The workshop has helped me to put my life in a better perspective, providing me with confidence and a deeper commitment." Della Beck, Fayetteville, Arkansas
"If you have two weeks to waste, don't waste it, spend it at Mike's workshop and leave feeling like you've learned another of life's secrets." Bill Gardner, Wichita, Kansas
"I have really enjoyed the workshop. It has been very fulfilling and worth every penny! I was thinking about canceling and not coming because of the cost, but I realize now what a mistake that would have been. I have had so much fun, learned a lot and improved on my drawings. Thanks for everything." Kelly Mann, University of Minnesota
"If you have the talent inside you that is waiting to leap out of you, this workshop is the place. The atmosphere is so thick with creativity, you can't help breathing some of it." Roger Winstead
"This workshop has been about the most inspiring and enjoyable experience in my memory. Worth every penny and every lost hour of sleep!" Lori Gafner, architect
"An incredible two weeks!!" Mandy Nosier Purdue University "What a bargain!!" David Grimes, Kansas State University
"I would like to thank you for giving me the hope in rendering with clear understanding of rendering along with your easy understanding of applying it. One can't help but becoming amazingly better. Thanks so much for a wonderful experience." Jeff Gibson, Auburn University
"I learned a great deal, especially about perspective. I am looking forward to taking this knowledge home and using it on my project. I will recommend it to all my friends." Jacqueline Poirier, College of San Matel, California
"This has been one of my most exciting learning experiences." Marie Smithwick, Washington State University
"An unforgettable experience that definitely affected my career" Ric Urban, Kansas State University
"Not only is the workshop a lesson in graphics, but also an attitude adjustment seminar; a lesson in confidence tempered with discretion and the ability to be humble." K. C. Camis, University of Idaho
"Thank you for teaching me about something I have always wanted to do. You gave me all the confidence in the world to follow my dreams. Mike, thanks again. There hasn't been one day that goes by without thinking of you and the workshop. You are the best in the business!". Diana Schmidt
Owatonna, MN
"I can't express how pleased I am at my improvement. My weakest area was perspective before I came, now I am a perspective master!" Elizabeth Towsley, University of Guelph, Ontario Canada
"I have learned more during the past two weeks than all of the four 'drawing/graphics' classes I have taken previously." Brenda Custer
"The Mike Lin Graphic Workshop has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I wasn't sure what to expect going into the twelve days, but soon after it started I knew it was going to be well worth the money spent. My skills have improved ten fold and I am sure I will have an advantage as I embark on my new career." Greg Moix, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
"Well worth it. Take it as early in your career as possible!! Wish I had taken it earlier in my college years!" Kevin Patterson, Kansas State University
"This was the funniest learning experience I have ever had, I got my money worth in the first 3 days of the workshop and the rest was just an added bonus. I enjoyed every aspect of the workshop. I was extremely grateful for your jokes and the way you made us laugh about how horrible our drawings were. Honestly, you are the greatest instructor I have ever had." Casey Gordon, University of Minnesota
"This course is invaluable -- it introduces one to the graphic techniques useful for a lifetime. 'The tools of the trade'." William Turek, University of Idaho
"I've never worked so hard, learned so much, and thoroughly enjoyed it the whole time. Thanks Mike!"
Paul Muus, North Dakota State University
"An intense two weeks with an instructor anyone would want as a father." Scott Glahn (Colorado State University)
BeLoose is a workshop where the experience will definitely change people's lives and increase their confidence beyond their expectation.
© 2025 Created by Mike Lin.
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