BeLoose Graphic Workshop

Illustration of a proposed entry way to a new residential estate.
Illustration completed in Corel Painter using a sketch up model as a base.

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Comment by Andrew Tremelling on October 21, 2011 at 1:34pm
Hi Anne, the illustration would take a day. The sky is just graded from darker at the top to the horizon with the bucket tool. The rest of the illustration is really just carried out with two of the Corel Painter brushes - soft vine charcoal and the smooth ink pen. I use the smooth ink pen for the black and white drawing but also much of the detail in the rendering. The soft vine charcoal is used for the larger areas of colour. By changing the paper to Sandy pastel paper you can use the charcoal to create texture in areas such as the grass.
Comment by Anne Tanner on October 21, 2011 at 8:28am
Can you tell me how long this took to do and what brush type do you usually use?
Comment by Andrew Tremelling on October 20, 2011 at 12:08pm
Thanks for your positive comments Anne. Yes I drew all of the remaining landscape by hand on the Wacom. Usually I'll have a few photo references of trees that I use  as a guide but compose the scene as I see fit.
Comment by Anne Tanner on October 20, 2011 at 8:42am
Your work is amazing, I'm very interested in your technique.  In this one you used a sketch up model as your base but I'm assuming that only gave you the building?  How did you draw your trees, I don't think they're blocks so wondering if you drew them freehand using the wacom?
Comment by Andrew Tremelling on October 18, 2011 at 1:05am
Thanks Brian, I appreciate that. I guess without any client comment it would be a full days work but there's always a bit of too-ing and fro-ing to get things the way they want.
Comment by Brian Lin on October 17, 2011 at 7:26pm
Andrew-this is absolutely gorgeous work! How long did it take to produce this drawing?

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Before / After Drawings

"Before" drawing was done on the 1st day and "After" was done after 6 days. This can happen to you, so just show up, we will do the rest for you.

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