BeLoose Graphic Workshop


Here I was in San Francisco taking 9 days off from work to take a 7 day graphics class that may not particularly increase my bottom line; ah what was I thinking?  The first morning I found out that I was just exactly where I needed to be as Mike began his opening remarks. He spoke that  we are to be proud of all that our past has brought to us and that with a few  tricks and even better attitude people will "want to join us and touch us", metaphorically,  because our confidence will create a sparkle. All so true! 

Now back to the office there is a lot of tossing of old and meaningless "stuff", a rearrangement of space for a larger drawing area which means less table top open for papers and files as they find a newly organized home.  My maker set is now 'Top Dog', the perspective chart a new best friend, colored pencils aligned and ready to step in for best in show, reference books at my fingertips, rulers ready to rule, paper ready to receive any form of art work and the dog bed moved to under the desk - yes the pug will be spending a lot of time snoring to the click of the markers.  Who knew being loose could be so much fun and make such a 180' difference - Well Mike knows!!!! 

As a 3 time Be Loose graduate I emphasize that your time and money spent for a workshop is priceless.  Where else can you be expertly guided, saturated with design tricks, constructively critiqued, and taught jokes that no one else will ever understand but another graduate.  This makes Be Loose a mutual admiration society.  It opens the doors of your creative spirit, gives you the tools of success, and a method to your madness about graphics and perspective and that for once in your life it is ok to copy. No one fails, ever!  To quote a famous logo, "Just Do It".  Do not let time and opportunity pass you by.  Triple your talents.  Wear your marker ink stains with pride. Become a Be Loose graduate.  Your attitude depends upon it and so will your heart.

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Comment by Melinda Foote on August 15, 2011 at 7:11pm
You are so welcome and I meant every work - I also corrected the typo,
Comment by Mike Lin on August 15, 2011 at 6:32pm
Wow Melinda, I don't know what to say but thank you for your wonderful remark.  I only wish the design schools from around the world can give me only 7 days of their curriculum so I can induce all our workshop tricks into their right brain, so they all will save time, draw quickly and with great attitude.  But this is only my dream, until then, people just need to attend our workshop and experience it to realize that drawing skills finally can be taught and learned.  Thank you again.  Mike Lin

BeLoose is a workshop where the experience will definitely change people's lives and increase their confidence beyond their expectation.

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Before / After Drawings

"Before" drawing was done on the 1st day and "After" was done after 6 days. This can happen to you, so just show up, we will do the rest for you.

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