BeLoose Graphic Workshop

Microsoft Beijing West Campus Competition - Part 2

This is part 2 of the Microsoft Beijing Competition effort, a one-month effort to develop schematic design concepts for Microsoft's Asia Headquarters in Beijing. The design team began exploring the site attributes, context of surrounding land use components and the design themes that resulted from the kick-off design charrette (See the first blog in this series...part 1).

Site Diagrams

Below are two diagrams which show relationships and connections of context to the site. The two proposed buildings are located on opposite parcels with a major street bisecting them, so iconic entry was essential for brand recognition and way-finding. The project also sits in the "Silicon Valley" of China called Zhongguan Cun, a master plan that Sasaki created about 8-10 years ago. The master plan called for strict adherence to open space requirements and juxtaposition of buildings so that building massing and articulation are balanced and comply to a "kit-of-parts" to ensure a "campus" feel.

Concept Design Drawings:

Below are a series of design concept drawings and diagrams that convey the space programming, major infrastructural components (stairs, elevators, columns), and the look and feel of the building. The design process involved digital modeling, hand drawing, and a mixture of both.

Stay tuned... Part 3

Part 3 of this blog will be the final concept presentation drawings to Microsoft Executives ( Bill) and a short aftermath of what worked, and what could have gone a little better.


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Before / After Drawings

"Before" drawing was done on the 1st day and "After" was done after 6 days. This can happen to you, so just show up, we will do the rest for you.

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