BeLoose Graphic Workshop

Six Things I Learned About Connected Communities in Cities

  1. Strategic Redevelopment: Large scale redevelopment is not politically acceptable or financially feasible. A strategic approach to development in communities means pursuing the critical projects that will plant the seeds and set the tone for positive change in certain neighborhoods and districts and yet be sensitive to the existing fabric of the community. This means identifying key sites, developing critical mixes of uses and crafting an implementation strategy that phases projects in a strategic way.
  2. Respect For The City Fabric: Both the City and neighborhoods should believe in maintaining the City grid of public streets and alleys. The alley may not be a "large" or particularly useful public "space", but it sets up a public realm that provides contiguous visual and physical access across many blocks of the City. The trick is to develop useful open spaces that build on the streets and alleys that connect neighborhoods and districts.
  3. Public Initiatives: Seize the opportunity to work with the City on public open space planning initiatives in order to forge an open space strategy that connects both public and private spaces. These are comprised of streets, alleys, neighborhood parks and a spider web of "green" spaces connecting people and places.
  4. Partnering With The Community: There are many existing resources in communities, both people and things. An approach to urban re-development should grow out of the context of places and weave the hopes and dreams of the people who use them. This is the preferred approach to go forward with in a sustainable and politically acceptable manner.
  5. Infrastructure And Sustainability: Transportation and energy conservation are important issues that must be addressed and integrated both through transportation strategies and land use decisions. Any strategic planning effort needs to influence and capitalize on public investments in infrastructure and transportation initiatives to leverage investments and build value into projects.
  6. It's All About The Vision: It's about creating a cultural heart for the Community and City, ensuring that the vibrant energy of people gives identity to the City. Cultural/Art institutions and inviting public open spaces can plant the seeds that nurtures innovation and creativity.

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"Before" drawing was done on the 1st day and "After" was done after 6 days. This can happen to you, so just show up, we will do the rest for you.

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